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PuTTY's inflexible alphabetical ordering of saved sessions is not necessarily ideal if you have more than one screenful of them. You might find that all the ones you use most often are on the second page and you have to scroll down for them, whereas the infrequently accessed ones are available to a single click.
You can currently fix this by renaming the sessions - I sometimes deliberately start a session name with a zero in order to make it appear at the top of the list - but this is far from ideal.
One possibility would simply be to allow the user to determine the order of the saved sessions, perhaps by dragging them about or by using some sort of Up and Down buttons.
Alternatively, someone suggested using adaptive ordering: a new session is placed in the exact middle of the list, and whenever you use a session it moves up the list by one place, so the commonly-used ones gradually bubble up towards the top of the list. I'm not convinced about this, but it's worth at least considering.
Audit trail for this wish.