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Since 'defaults-launchable' was fixed, it's been possible to save a hostname in Default Settings.
However, Plink did not cope gracefully with that possibility -- it was not possible to override that hostname on the command line. Attempts at doing so would be treated as part of the remote command, but this typically wouldn't be obvious as the connection wouldn't get that far.
The most common symptom of this is output like this:
C:\>plink myhost.example.com Unable to open connection: Host does not existwhere a PuTTY connection to myhost.example.com works fine. Upon adding the -v option you might get:
C:\>plink -v myhost.example.com Looking up host "otherhost.example.com" Unable to open connection: Host does not existwhich "huh?" behaviour is explained by otherhost.example.com being in "Default Settings".
Audit trail for this bug.